Showing 313 results Combating discrimination - employment and blood-borne viruses 11 February 2020 Content page Health risks HIV and other BBVs can affect anyone. Most people infected are of working age. With advances in treatment, more people with HIV and other BBVs will continue or will want to,... Managing disputes in the workplace fairly and consistently 10 February 2020 Content page In any workplace employees or managers may raise concerns that cause conflict between the parties involved. Conflict in the workplace tends to fall into 2 broad... Scotland's recognition of good work - the Fair Work Framework 10 February 2020 Content page Fair treatment Fair Work will become a hallmark of Scotland’s workplaces and economy. The Scottish Government’s vision is that by 2025, people in Scotland will have a world-leading working... Dealing with a dispute in the workplace 10 February 2020 Content page When a complaint is made and the disciplinary process is started, it is recommended that the ACAS code of practice is always considered. ACAS disciplinary process The employee... Blood-borne virus legislation 11 February 2020 Content page Health risks In addition to the Equality Act, employers have a moral and legal duty to protect employees and members of the public. Main laws applicable to employers regarding Blood-borne... Legal framework 10 February 2020 Content page Anyone who works for you, and is not genuinely self-employed, is either a worker or an employee. Employees have a contract of service and are usually required to work a set or... What is good work and what makes good work 11 July 2024 Content page Fair treatment Research has shown that good work improves health, wellbeing, and has benefits for employees and employers. Improving employee health and wellbeing can: improve... Minimising the risk of disputes and grievances in the workplace 10 February 2020 Content page Conflict that is not resolved quickly can affect the health and wellbeing of employees. It can cause: stress frustration ill health mental ill health reduced... Communicating respectfully with employees and colleagues 10 February 2020 Content page Co-operation and teamwork are easy when people get along. However, when a conflict arises, or miscommunication occurs problems can escalate quickly. Practising respectful... Employment tribunals 10 February 2020 Content page Employment tribunals make decisions to resolve disputes between employees and employers. They are independent judiciary bodies to deal with employment disputes, such as: unfair... First page of 32 Previous page Page 22 of 32 Page 23 of 32 Page 24 of 32 Page 25 of 32 Page 26 of 32 Page 27 of 32 Page 28 of 32 Page 29 of 32 Page 30 of 32 Page 31 of 32 Next page Last page of 32