Supporting staff attendance

Information on sources of support for employers and employees returning to work

Support services

Self-referral services

Working Health Services Scotland is a service for employees that aims to help them stay at work whilst managing their health condition or return to work if a short episode of ill health occurs.

It provides free and confidential advice and health support for the self-employed and people working in companies with less than 250 employees.

Other sources of support

There are other individuals and organisations that can support employers and employees when they need it.

These include:

  • health professionals such as diabetic nurse or MS nurse
  • workplace health professionals such as occupational therapists, occupational health advisers and physiotherapists
  • Jobcentre work coaches
  • Access to Work
  • charities such as MacMillan Cancer Support, See Me, Breathing Space and Diabetes UK. This list is not exhaustive and if your employee does have a diagnosed health condition, it is worth investigating if there is a charity associated with the health condition that can provide support