How this platform can help you

This platform aims to help employers of any size to support their workers' mental health, by signposting sources of free guidance and support.

Supporting mental health in the workplace is crucial, and the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted this importance more than ever.

Did you know?

  • People spend an average of 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime
  • 1 in 4 people are likely to experience a mental health problem
  • Poor mental health costs Scottish employers over £2 billion every year
  • For each £1 spent on mental health interventions, employers get £5 back

Further detail on these statistics:

Benefits of supporting mental health at work 

Workers’ physical and mental health should be valued and supported. Supporting and promoting good mental health and wellbeing at work benefits both individuals and employers.  

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant extra impact on people's mental health and wellbeing. It is important for businesses to take account of this when considering how to support the mental health and wellbeing of your workforce 

Businesses perform better when workers are healthy, happy and respected.

Our process 

Many businesses of all sizes are already leading by example and thinking creatively about ways to promote mentally healthy workplaces and how to support the wellbeing of their staff.  

There is a wide range of legislation, guidance and resources that are available to support mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. It can sometimes feel overwhelming, particularly for smaller businesses or self-employed people.

This platform has been developed in partnership with organisations across Scotland, to help you access the resources you need to promote a mentally healthy workplace.  

External partners involved in developing this platform include:

Mental health at work surveys 

To improve our understanding of what would help employers to support mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, we sent surveys to both employers and individual employees in December 2021. These were cascaded through the networks of the partner organisations. 

Quotes showing the personal experiences and reflections of survey respondents are shared throughout these pages. Many thanks to these respondents for allowing us to share their stories.